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Tuesday August 13, 2024
ZOOM Monthly Business metting
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Thursday August 15, 2024
Thaddeus Stevens New Student Orientation
The fall semester is quickly approaching, and the team at Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology is working very hard to coordinate a helpful, fun-filled orientation for incoming students. Join us as we attempt to recruit and educate some new students !
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Friday August 23, 2024
Sunday August 25, 2024
Gettysburg Living History
More info to come !
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Friday September 13, 2024
Sunday September 15, 2024
Cold Springs Civil War Encampment
Come tour Union and Confederate camps and meet authentically clad and equipped military and civilian reenactors who will discuss the everyday lives of Civil War soldiers and the roles civilians played in supporting them. Battle scheduled for 2pm Saturday & Sunday.
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Thursday October 10, 2024
ZOOM Monthly Business metting
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Cold Harbor

In the assault of the Second Corps at Cold Harbor, the regiment participated and here fought its last battle. The enemy occupied a strong position with a dense, almost impassable swamp in front. As it advanced through the mud and water, which at every step grew deeper, and over tangled underbrush, the artillery and sharp musketry fire of the enemy was directed upon it, striking down men at every step. As soon as the open ground was reached, the division charged boldly up the hill. A line was established close up to the enemy's works, and the men fell to fortifying. So close were the lines that a hat shown above the breast-works was quickly riddled with bullets.

While here, Colonel Smith, though still unable from his wounds to take the field, re-joined the corps. The term of service of the regiment had now expired. Accordingly, in pursuance of orders, the veterans and recruits were transferred to the Sixty-ninth, and withdrawing from the front line of breastworks, under cover of darkness, it moved to White House, and thence via Washington to Philadelphia.

Upon its arrival it was publicly received by the authorities, and escorted through the city by several military organizations. Of the twenty-two hundred who had stood in its ranks, only one hundred and fifty-three returned. It was mustered out of service on the 2d of July, 1864.



Bates, Samuel P. History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-65, Harrisburg, 1868-1871.