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Tuesday August 13, 2024
ZOOM Monthly Business metting
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Thursday August 15, 2024
Thaddeus Stevens New Student Orientation
The fall semester is quickly approaching, and the team at Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology is working very hard to coordinate a helpful, fun-filled orientation for incoming students. Join us as we attempt to recruit and educate some new students !
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Friday August 23, 2024
Sunday August 25, 2024
Gettysburg Living History
More info to come !
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Friday September 13, 2024
Sunday September 15, 2024
Cold Springs Civil War Encampment
Come tour Union and Confederate camps and meet authentically clad and equipped military and civilian reenactors who will discuss the everyday lives of Civil War soldiers and the roles civilians played in supporting them. Battle scheduled for 2pm Saturday & Sunday.
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Thursday October 10, 2024
ZOOM Monthly Business metting
Check you inbox for a ZOOM invite.
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On the following day the march south was resumed and continued to Spottsylvania Court House. Upon taking position, the regiment was thrown forward as skirmishers. The rebel artillery and sharp-shooters made the position an uncomfortable one. An advance was made by Gibbon's Division, but without success. During the 9th and the 10th, it was on the skirmish line and almost constantly engaged in one of the enemy's attacks, Captain William M. Smith, who commanded the regiment, was severely wounded, and the command devolved on Captain Mitchell Smith.

On the evening of the 11th, Hancock's Corps was moved into position and prepared for an assault. At daylight it quietly moved, in well formed lines, under cover of a dense fog. The enemy's skirmishers had barely time to discharge their pieces before the Union column was upon them, and soon had possession of their works. The fighting was now severe, coming hand to hand; but the enemy was forced to yield, and large captures of men and material were made. In the charge Captain Smith and Lieutenant Clark were instantly killed, and the command of the regiment devolved upon Captain Peter W. Grear. For several days the regiment was on the skirmish line, and was kept busily employed, the enemy being vigilant for an advantage.



Bates, Samuel P. History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-65, Harrisburg, 1868-1871.